Puppies, like babies, grow up so fast, don’t they? Sometimes it’s hard to remember what they looked like at such a young age. Therefore, we created PUPPY MILESTONES so you can capture each of your puppy’s first milestones and achievements and share these special moments with your family and friends.
Our puppy milestones are unique in that they each have a small hole where a beaded chain clasp (included) easily attaches to your dog’s collar! This way you can snap that photo without trying to keep your puppy still by their milestone or have your hand in the photo trying to hold it up by them.
Each circular disc is just under 4 inches and weighs a small 0.5 ounces, so it is very lightweight!
These make special gifts to anyone who has or will be getting a new puppy.
Since typically a new owner does not take their puppy home from the breeder until after 9 weeks old, our “new owner” milestone set starts at 3 months.
We do offer a “breeder” milestone set, which includes milestones that start from “just born”. You can find those here.
New Owner Puppy Milestone Set includes:
9 total wooden laser engraved discs, printed on both sides = 18 different milestone/achievements
my first day home
three months
four months
five months
six months
seven months
eight months
nine months
ten months
eleven months
my first birthday
my first walk
i can sit & stay
i got a new toy
i learned fetch
my first groom
my first Easter
my first Christmas